This is episode 12 of Email Never Sleeps, the email marketing podcast. Watch this video to learn about email best practices for your checking your email reputation. This Email Reputation video should help you learn email marketing best practices and give you advice on where you should start if you are new to checking out your email reputation.

What is Email Never Sleeps?

Email Never Sleeps is a vidcast/podcast to discuss real pragmatic email marketing strategy and allow the listener to gain valuable insight. In episode 12 of Email Never Sleeps, Andrew and our guest Matt Ratliff, some of their strategies and ways to be successful with email marketing. Whether you are a small independent business or even a global brand, you will find this video informative because all email marketers should be checking their email reputation.

Episode Topic: How to Check Your Email Reputation

In this video, our guest Matt Ratliff, Founder and CTO of FunnelTechie discusses with Andrew Kordek some of their strategies and ways to be successful with email marketing.

Whether you are a small independent business or even a global brand, you will find this video informative because all email marketers should be checking their email reputation.

This video is useful if you are looking for advice on any of the following: email reputation, email reputation check, check your email reputation, email sender reputation, IP reputation, how to check email domain reputation, google postmaster, email feedback loop, email address reputation, what is my email reputation.

Episode 12 Guest:

Matt Ratliff, Founder and CTO of FunnelTechie

Matt Ratliff

LinkedIn     |     Funnel Techie

Episode 12 Host:

Andrew Kordek

LinkedIn   |   Twitter   |  Andrew’s Author Page