Here are 10 facts & stats that you can use at your next meeting when talking about email marketing.

Facts and Stats
  1. The first email ever sent was by Ray Tomlinson. It was a test and is said something like “QWERTYUIOP”
  2. There are 4.03 billion email users worldwide (1)
  3. Email usage penetration in the US is 90.3% (1)
  4. 93.4% of people between 25-44 prefer email over social media. (2)
  5. 38.7% of people check email while in the toilet (3)
  6. 77% of marketers claimed that email marketing is one of their most effective marketing channels. (4)
  7. Over 50% of people check email before doing anything else online (2)
  8. Nearly 100% of email marketers who start and stay testing for at least 6 months, become addicted to learning and implementing.
  9. 52% of people have more than 2 email addresses. (5)
  10. There is no right or wrong way to spell it. Email or e-mail are both right, so focus on something else.

(1) – Statista
(2) – OptinMonster
(3) – Phrasee
(4) – Litmus
(5) – DMA

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